Why Michael Lavalette Should Be Preston’s Next MP

By Dave Savage We do not have a presidential electoral system in Britain, of course, because the head of state is whoever happens to be the monarch. But that hasn't stopped the mainstream media doing their best to turn it into a US-style campaign, restricting content to discussion of right-wing talking points and staged interactions … Continue reading Why Michael Lavalette Should Be Preston’s Next MP

Why D-Day Wasn’t a Precondition for Victory in the Second World War

The most recent official commemorations of the Normandy landings occurred last week in France. For the first time Russia (as the successor state to the USSR) was not invited. Indeed, discredited and unpopular US and European politicians exploited the occasion to promote their own belligerent geo-political agendas. I found this aspect of the events distasteful, … Continue reading Why D-Day Wasn’t a Precondition for Victory in the Second World War

Bluff, Bluster & Bulls**t: Sunak’s Plan for a UK War Economy to Take on Russia

A map of southern Russia and the Black Sea, scene of the Crimean War of 1853-56, Britain's last formal war with Russia. Rishi Sunak is one of the most despised Prime Ministers in British history, indeed even a majority of Tories now regularly express their contempt for him in polling. He has no personal electoral … Continue reading Bluff, Bluster & Bulls**t: Sunak’s Plan for a UK War Economy to Take on Russia

Galloway’s Latest Triumph Shames Starmer’s Labour

What might have been a run-of-the-mill by-election to the House of Commons has provoked a remarkable eruption of bile, hatred and intolerance from the British Establishment and its legacy media cheer-leaders. Such minor events are normally largely ignored by all but the small minority who follow these things closely. But the fact that George Galloway … Continue reading Galloway’s Latest Triumph Shames Starmer’s Labour

The Gaza Genocide & Starmer’s Deepest Betrayal Yet 

Should I live a long life, I hope and pray I never forget the dead babies of the Gaza Genocide. The many hundreds - thousands - of murdered babies. It is a matter of deep shame to me that in 2023 and 2024 my own party, the Labour Party, cheered on the murderous onslaught against … Continue reading The Gaza Genocide & Starmer’s Deepest Betrayal Yet 

Strategically Inept – the Immoral and Illegal UK-US Bombing of Yemen

1789 Schraembl-Niebuhr Map of Yemen, Arabia. The bombing of Yemen is illegal and prohibited by the UN Charter. As a signatory, the UK government is obliged to comply with the UN Charter not contradict it. Moreover, American military analysts such as Douglas McGregor, Larry Wilkerson and Scott Ritter have all said this bombing is militarily futile. … Continue reading Strategically Inept – the Immoral and Illegal UK-US Bombing of Yemen